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United Cry: Uniting Hearts, Igniting Prayer, Unleashing Revival!

North Texas Prays

The next gathering for DFW is Tuesday, May 20th. We're inviting regional pastors, prayer leaders, and intercessors to a gathering focused on the awakening of DFW and how we can partner together through collaboration, prayer, and worship.

Zoe 2.0

Registration Available

Zoe 2.0 is building communities around new mothers. Registration for new Moms who are looking for support or for Mentor Groups is now available.

Building a

Praying Church

UC Building a Praying Church.png

We would like to invite you to a special event for Pastors and Prayer Leaders on September 11 at Grace Community Church. This is a special training event for praying over the different zones in DFW.

United Cry Prays

Important Events Coming Up:

We are going back to Brady for Prayer at the Heart of Texas! Learn more.

United Cry Prays North Texas Luncheon's for 2025: May 20th, August 26, and November 18.

National Day of Prayer - May 1

10 Day Summit at Prayer Mountain  - May 21 - May 24

10 Days Pentecost - May 30 - June 8

Prayer at the Heart of Brady - September 6

10 Days Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur 50 Capitols - Sept 22-Oct 2

Communion America DC - Oct 9 - 12

United Cry Gala - Gather ‘25 “Come to the Table” - Oct 16


Project 254 - Releasing Prayer in all 254 Counties of Texas

The Moral Outcry

Sign the Petition To End Abortion In All 50 States



United Cry Prayer Call

Join us every Thursday morning at 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. Central as we pray over current issues and events in Texas and our nation. The direct call-in number is 253-993-3368.

Partner with our "100 Club"

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of United Cry; we are 100% dependent upon your generosity and your support. Please consider joining our 100 CLUB today by giving $100.00 per month. This amount can help us cover our total annual budget.

Get our newsletter! 

This is the best way to stay up to date with all that's going on through our national prayer community. 

Send us a message :)


Email Address*


Contact Information​

United Cry

P.O. Box 170312

Arlington, Texas 76003

Phone: 817-528-9117


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